Zinc Dross
Recovery & Purification
Tin-Lead & Tin-Lead-Antimony Separation
Purification Refining of
Pb, Sb, As, Sn
Indium & Zinc
Multi - Purpose
Recovery & Purification
The Elements
VDU Feed Materials
1. Pb-Sn alloy
Raw Material Requirements: any component Pb-Sn alloy.
Product Technical Index:
① Sn Product: Pb<0.005%
② Pb Product: Sn<0.02-0.3%
Capacity: 20-45 tons/d.
2. Bi-Sn alloy
Raw Material Requirements: any component Bi-Sn alloy.
Product Technical Index:
① Sn Product: Bi<0.001%
② Bi Product: Sn<0.02-0.3%
Capacity: 20-45 tons/d.
3. Pb-Bi-Sn alloy
Raw Material Requirements: any component Pb-Bi-Sn alloy.
Product Technical Index:
① Sn Product: Pb<0.005%, Bi<0.001%
② Pb-Bi alloy Products: Sn<0.02-0.3%
Capacity: 20-45 tons/d.
4. Pb-Sb-Sn alloy
Raw Material Requirements: Sb<20%, balance: Sn and Pb.
Product Technical Index:
① Sn Product: Pb<0.005%, Sb<0.02%
② Pb-Sb Alloy Product: Sn<0.3%
Capacity: 10-20 tons/d.
5. Pb-Sb-Sn containing As
Raw Material Requirements: Sb<20%, As<3%, balance: Sn and Pb.
Product Technical Index:
① Sn Product: Pb<0.005%, Sb<0.02%, As<0.01%
② Pb-Sb alloy Product: Sn<0.3%
③ As Product: As>90%
Capacity: 10-20 tons/d.
6. Pb-Sb-Sn alloy contains Ag
Raw Material Requirements: Sb<20%, Ag0.1-5%, balance: Sn and Pb.
Product Technical Index:
① Sn Product: Pb<0.005%, Sb<0.02%, Ag<0.05%
② Pb-Sb Alloy Product: Sn<0.3%, Ag<0.01%
③ Ag Product: Sb<1-20%, Sn<1%
Capacity: 5-10 tons/d.
7. Sn-Sb alloy
Raw Material Requirements: Sb20-70%, Pb<10%, balance: Sn.
Product Technical Index:
① Sn Product: Sb<0.1%
② Sb Product: Sn<0.3%, balance: Pb and Sb
Capacity: 1-10 tons/d.
8. Sn-In alloy
Raw Material Requirements: In-1-20%, balance: Sn.
Product Technical Index:
① Sn Product: In<0.02%
② In Product: Sn<0.01%
Capacity: 0.1-3 tons/d.
9. Sn-Ag alloy
Raw Material Requirements: Ag5-20%, balance: Sn.
Product Technical Index:
① Sn Product: Ag<0.05%
② Ag Product: Sn<1%
Capacity: 500Kg/batch·24hrs.
10. Sn-In-Pb-Sb-As alloy
Raw Material Requirements: As0.5-30%, Sb1-10%, balance: In, Sn and Pb.
Product Technical Index:
① Pb Product: In<0.05%, Sn<0.05%
② In Product: In>80%
③ Sn Product: In<0.1%
④ As Product: As>90%
Capacity: 1 ton/batch·24hrs.
11. Precious Pb alloy
Raw Material Requirements: Ag0.5-20%, Pb30-50%, Bi5-15%, Cu1-20%, Sb1-20%
Product Technical Index:
① Ag Product: Ag>50%
② Pb-Bi Alloy Product: Ag<0.005%
Capacity: 1-10 tons/d.
12. Precious Bi alloy
Raw Material Requirements: Ag0.5-20%, Pb10-20%, Bi60-80%
Product Technical Index:
① Ag Product: Ag>60%
② Pb-Bi Alloy Product: Ag<0.005%
Capacity: 10-15tons/d.
13. Removal of Ag and Cu from crude Pb and crude Bi.
Raw Material Requirements: Pb(Bi)>98%, Cu<0.5%, Ag<0.5%
Product Technical Index:
① Pb Product: Ag<40g/t, Cu<10g/t
② Bi Product: Ag<20g/t, Cu<5g/t
③ Pb(Bi)-Cu-Ag Alloy Product: Recovery of Ag by VDU as precious Pb(Bi) via multiple passes.
Capacity: 10-15tons/d.
14. Ag-Cu-Pb(Bi) alloy
Raw Material Requirements: Cu1-20%, Ag0.5-5%, balance: Pb, Sb and Bi.
Product Technical Index:
① Pb(Bi) Product: Ag0.5-2%, Cu<0.5%, balance: Pb(Bi) (Recovery of Ag by VDU again.)
② Cu-Ag Alloy Product: Pb(Bi)<1%, Ag1-20%, balance: Cu and Sb (Recovery of Ag by VDU again.)
Capacity: 800Kg/batch·12hrs.
15. Cu-Ag alloy
Raw Material Requirements: Ag5-90%,Cu5-90%, Pb<1%, Bi<1%, Sb<15%
Product Technical Index:
① Ag Product: Cu<1% (Then get pure Ag by electrolysis.)
② Cu Product: Ag<0.5% (Then get pure Cu and recover Ag by electrolysis.)
Capacity: 800Kg/batch·12hrs.
16. Ag-Zn slag alloy
Raw Material Requirements: Ag1-20%, Cu1-10%, Zn20-30%, balance: Pb and Bi.
Product Technical Index:
① Ag Product: Ag60-95%
② Pb-Bi Alloy Product: Ag<2%
Capacity: 500Kg/batch·12hrs.
17. Zn-Fe alloy
Raw Material Requirements: hot galvanizing slag; hard zinc (Zn>80%)
Product Technical Index:
① Zn Product: Zn>99%, Fe<0.003%
② Fe-Al slag: Zn<5%
Capacity: 2-3 tons/d.
18. Zn(Cd)-Sn alloy
Raw Material Requirements: any component Zn(Cd)-Sn alloy
Product Technical Index:
① Zn(Cd) Product: Zn>99%, Sn<0.01%
② Sn Product: Zn<0.5%
Capacity: 800Kg/batch·12hrs.
19. Continuous Vacuum Refining of Crude Cadmium
Raw Material Requirements: Cd>97%
Product Technical Index:
Pure Cd Product: Cd>99.995%
Capacity: 2 tons/d.
20. Continuous Vacuum Refining of Crude Indium
Raw Material Requirements: impurities in crude In: Cd<1%, Pb<100ppm, Tl<100ppm, Zn<100ppm
Product Technical Index:
① Sn Product: 99.99%
② Crude In Product: Cd<5ppm, Pb<30ppm,Tl<30ppm, Zn<5ppm
Capacity: 3-5 tons/d.
21. Recovery of Sn and In from waste ITO metal
Raw Material Requirements: waste ITO
Product Technical Index:
Pure Sn Product: Sn>99%
Pure In product: In>99.9%
Capacity: 100-300 Kg/d.
22. Crude Se refining.
Raw Material Requirements: Crude Se
Product Technical Index:
Pure Se Product: Se>99%
Capacity: 0.5-1.5 tons/d.
23. Removal of Sulfur Dross from copper by adding sulfur in crude tin refining process.
Raw Material Requirements: Sulfur Dross
Product Technical Index:
Products: SnS, PbS, CuS
Capacity: 1-2 tons/d.
24. High Purity SnS materials
Diboo and IAT are now producing and selling high Purity SnS material (SnS>99%-99.99%)