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Simultaneous Electrolysis


Description: Simultaneous electrolysis is an advanced electrochemical process used to recover precious metals (Ag, Au, Pt, Pd) In, and refine Pb-Sn alloys. By anodically dissolving the feed material and depositing high-purity tin and lead, SE separates valuable byproducts like precious metal-rich slime while producing purified Pb-Sn alloy, which can be further processed in VDUs.



Key Advantages:


  • Processes Pb-Sn alloys containing Ag, Au, Pt, and Pd

  • Outputs high-value precious metal-rich slime as a marketable byproduct

  • Produces purified Pb-Sn alloy for reuse in VDUs

  • Recovery of Indium from electrolytes

  • Simple operation with minimal maintenance requirements

  • Closed-loop system for reduced environmental impact

  • Scalability for various feed compositions and production needs

  • High recovery rates of precious metals and lead/tin alloys


Here's how simultaneous electrolysis (SE) fits into the smelting process:


  1. Recovery of Precious Metals: Simultaneous electrolysis is used to extract valuable precious metals like silver (Ag), gold (Au), platinum (Pt), and palladium (Pd) from Pb-Sn alloys, producing a high-value precious metal-rich slime.

  2. Purifying Pb-Sn Alloys: The process produces purified Pb-Sn alloy, which can be recycled back to Vacuum Distillation Units (VDUs) for further separation of lead and tin.

  3. Streamlining Refining Operations: Simultaneous electrolysis simplifies refining by reducing impurities and generating marketable byproducts, ensuring efficient resource utilization and minimal waste.




1. Type: DBSE-50 Simultaneous Electrolysis 

  • Power load: 1500KVA

  • Capacity: 5-10 MT feed/cycle

  • Feed: Pb-Sn alloys with Ag, Au, Pt, Pd​

  • Output:

    • Precious metal rich slime

    • Pure Pb-Sn alloy

    • Indium from electrolytes

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