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Rotary Kiln


Description: The rotary kiln is a versatile high-temperature furnace designed for the pre-treatment of complex tin feeds. It efficiently processes materials with high moisture, arsenic (As), and sulfur (S) content through calcination, pyrolysis, and drying. The rotary kiln ensures the production of roasted tin concentrate ready for further processing in electric arc or reduction furnaces, while simultaneously generating high-quality arsenic trioxide (As₂O₃) fumes.



Key Advantages:


  • Continuous feed operation for consistent throughput

  • Ideal for secondary feed pretreatment at recyclers

  • Can be used to convert SnS type concentrates to oxide concentrates

  • Can be used instead of flotation to remove S from tin concentrates at the smelter

  • Increases Sn recovery rate in the EAF or EARDF as every 1% of S is 1% of Sn lost to SnS formation

  • Handles complex feeds such as tin sludges, hard head, and de-Fe or de-As dross

  • Achieves As <0.5% and S <0.5% in processed outputs

  • Reduces moisture and volatile impurities from feed materials

  • Produces roasted tin concentrate suitable for EAF or EARDF processing

  • Generates valuable byproducts like high-quality arsenic trioxide fumes

  • Increases overall system recovery rates

  • Reduces operational stress on downstream equipment like EAF or EARDF


Here's how a rotary kiln fits into the smelting process:


  1. Pre-treating Complex Feeds: The rotary kiln is used to process tin concentrates, tin sludges, hard head, and de-Fe or de-As dross, removing volatile impurities like sulfur (S) and arsenic (As) while drying and calcining the material.

  2. Enhancing Feed Quality: By reducing moisture content and removing most S, As, and much of the Zn, the rotary kiln produces roasted tin concentrate with consistent quality for downstream smelting.

  3. Recovering Valuable Byproducts: The kiln generates arsenic trioxide (As₂O₃) fumes during the calcination process, providing an additional revenue stream while reducing impurities in the feed material.





1. Type: DB-RFK-50 Rotary Kiln 

  • Power load: 200KVA

  • Heating: CNG

  • Capacity: 50-60 MT feed/day

  • Feed:

    • Sn and SnS concentrates

    • Sn sludges

    • De-Fe & De-As dross

    • Hard head

    • Other complex Sn feed

  • Output: Roasted Sn concentrate for EAF or EARDF. High quality As2O3 fume

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